The Oscars

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I must have fallen asleep at 8:30 with the subconcious memory that the Oscars would be airing at 2am in France. I woke up at 2:45 and found a live stream just in time for the first major award. Now I'm happily eating snacks in bed, perusing red carpet pictures and pretending I'm in America and watching seamless coverage of the awards' show, not a fritzy live stream from Denmark.

I can't decide how I feel about Scarlett Johannson's dress, but she looks incredible. Her skin! Her hair! Michelle Williams manages to pull off pale skin/pale hair/pale dress. She always looks chic. Mila Kinus' lavender dress contrasts beautifully with her dark hair and complexion.

14-year-old Hailee Steinfield looks like a princess. Reese Witherspoon sports an awesome 60's-esque updo. This is my favorite of Anne Hathaway's dresses of the night (so far); Rachel Zoe must have had a field day dressing her this year.

Look how happy Natalie is (with her French beau). She's glowing!


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