on the radar

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Hey, it's back! A weekly round-up of the things that caught my eye this week (normally reserved for Fridays, but with all the blog catching-up I've been doing as of late, it looks like it's gonna be a double radar week):

Gallery Owner, New York City. Is not very good at small talk.

Short Order Cook, Marathon, TX. She can bench press over 300 pounds.

Bartender, San Antonio, TX. Goes to sleep at 8AM and wakes up at 4PM daily.
You Are What You Eat: a fascinating project by photographer Mark Menjivar that exposes the interiors of Americans' refrigerators

Emma's list of 25 Things To Do Before I Turn 25, which has inspired me to create my own list (stay tuned, dear readers!)

Breathtaking images of girls and plants by the Polish photographer, Lukasz Wierzbowski

Folky goodness by Nicki & Tim Bluhm, a gem of a musical couple from San Francisco

Hipster Food: a new-to-me vegan tumblr that I finally checked out, c/o Nadia

I'm going through a serious Dolly stage. "I look like a woman, but I think like a man," Dolly Parton said a couple of years ago on 60 Minutes. "People think I'm as silly as I look, but I done got the money."

Karla is so beautiful, and pretty much my style icon


Ana Degenaar said...

Love fridge photos!

Carolynn Cecilia said...

Yes, the You Are What You Eat series is pure genius. I have to wonder what my fridge says about me.

Thanks for sharing the Hipster Food tumblr. I think you've hooked me.

chow vegan said...

Interesting fridge photos! A while back, some magazine did a similar kind of a thing but with people's trash. The fridge is definitely nicer! :-)

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