Apple-picking the other day was so much fun. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! We pet goats and pigs at the petting zoo, lugged pumpkins around in our red wagons, got lost in a corn maze, climbed onto tractors (then got yelled at) and brought home a huge bag of apples, along with giant zucchini and corn on the cob (which, if it's fresh enough, actually tastes good raw).
We're laughing hysterically here because two teenage boys on ATVs and decked out in camouflage were yelling at us to get off the platform above the entrance to the corn maze. Only, we had a camera on a ten-second timer, so instead of getting down, we stood still and smiled while they yelled and yelled.
In other news, Laura and I finally finished watching True Blood. We're obviously hooked, and think it's absurd that it doesn't come on again until next summer.
And speaking of absurdly long breaks between TV show seasons - what's with LOST not coming on until this winter? I remember the writers said a while ago that the show would end in 2009. It's not that I'm looking for it to end any time soon. I just think they lied to us about knowing how it was going to end.
My mom's friend is arranging for her high school English classes to read my blog while I'm in Africa and correspond with me. Only a few more months...I just want to go already!
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