Hippos are awesome - I wish I could go on a hippo ride. According to my brother, though, they kill more people than any other animal. Probably not a good idea, then.
Crocodiles, on the other hand, are kinda scary. (My friend Bex is terrified of them, and when we camped on the beach during lake shore hike, she was convinced one was going to come into her tent while she was sleeping.)
I was SO excited about the elephants. Seeing them in the wild was probably one of the coolest things I've experienced in Malawi. I wish I could have taken closer pictures.
These monkeys were playing outside our chalets. I'm slightly obsessed.
You can see all the pictures from the safari, a lot of which aren't up here, on my Picasa album.
The reason internet is so much at my disposal is because 1) it happens to be particularly good at the hotel today and 2) I'm leaving for Lilongwe tomorrow, where I will also have wireless. So, yes - this means that today is my last day in Mzuzu. I finished up teaching this past Friday, and had a party with the kids on Saturday (pictures to come, of course). Sunday I spent with Sophie, and Monday and Tuesday I went to the lake for one last time. We fly out of Lilongwe on Friday, and have a nearly 24-hour-long journey ahead of us. Right now I'm anxious to go home, to be in Nyack with my friends, to watch TV with my family on our big red couch. Maybe the missing here won't set it until I'm already gone. That's the way is always goes, though, isn't it?
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